Refund Policy

Refund Policy for 4youplus

At 4youplus, we are committed to providing our customers with high-quality services. However, due to the nature of our business, we do not support unconditional refunds. Please carefully read this refund policy before purchasing our services.

1. Scope of Refund Policy
This refund policy applies to all paid services provided by 4youplus.

2. No Unconditional Refunds
We do not offer unconditional refunds for our services. Once a payment has been made, it cannot be refunded without reasonable cause.

3. Reasonable Cause for Refund
We may issue a refund if a customer has made a payment in error or if we are unable to provide the requested services due to technical or other reasons beyond our control. In such cases, the refund will be issued only for the unused portion of the service. The amount of the refund will be determined by us on a case-by-case basis.

4. No Refunds for Completed Services
Once a service has been completed, we will not issue any refunds. We consider a service to be completed when the customer has received the final deliverable.

5. No Refunds for Customized Services
If a service has been customized specifically for a customer, we will not issue any refunds for that service.

6. No Refunds for Third-Party Services
If a service requires the use of third-party services or products, we will not issue any refunds for those services or products.

7. Refund Request Procedure
If a customer believes that they are entitled to a refund, they must submit a refund request in writing to The refund request must include the reason for the refund, the specific service or product for which the refund is being requested, and any other relevant information.

8. Refund Processing Time
We will process refund requests within 30 days of receipt. The refund will be processed in the same form as the original payment.

9. Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about this refund policy, please contact us at